These Self-Portraits Capture What It Means To Be A Teenage Girl In LA Right Now

"It's very nostalgic but also very raw." Often, teenagers have been spared or delayed the trouble of the full-blown consequences for their inappropriate decisions; sometimes by well-intending parents. So, as a result, adolescents are not always convinced of the need for change in their lives. However, the parent is convinced of the need for intervention, because their girl is obviously headed for lifelong trouble if such actions persist. Hopefully helping make a change in troubled adolescents’ lives before they become an adult habitually demonstrating a dysfunctional lifestyle.

It’s a tough task. How well do you know your child? How well do you know the situations your child is getting into? What makes it all seem so impossible is that you need to allow your child to get hurt because if you don't, your child won’t be resilient and will definitely be an ass.

When I was a teenager, I basically had no idea who I was. I followed the rules. I didn’t experience a lot of pain, but I didn’t experience a lot of growth, either, and my life was generally pretty lame. Not until my early 20s, when I took risks, quit jobs, crashed cars, and had thrilling, irresponsible, doomed relationships, did I scratch my way, sloppily, to the adult life I want.
