Do best friends always have to do everything together? Do best friends always have to have the same friends?


Why are friendships so important to us kids? 

1. Interview your parents, family members, or neighbors about a time when they felt left out of a group. Ask how they felt about it and how they handled the situation. Did they have someone they could talk to about it?
2. Ask family members to tell you about a time when a friendship of theirs changed or ended because their friend moved, became part of a different group, went to a new school, or some other reason. How did they feel?
3. Ask your family members to describe a time when someone they met surprised them by being different than they expected.

To The Parents:

Your child is involved in learning-activities designed to develop good character and empower young people to make good choices for themselves. He or she may be asked to complete several tasks at home. Your cooperation with these activities will support our overall analysis.
The current lesson is about friendship. 

Above we talked about what happens to a good friend when he/she is deliberately excluded from a group. We urge you to ask your child to tell you about this article and what he or she learned from it.

Here are some things you can do to encourage your child to develop positive and healthy friendships.
 Encourage your child to talk with you about his or her friendships.
 If your child shows signs of feeling rejected or left out talk with him or her about it. Share a time when you felt the same way.
 Be sensitive to friendships that may involve negative activities or put-downs of other kids. Discuss it with your child and let him or her know how you feel about it.
  Encourage your child to show appreciation when a friend does something thoughtful or helpful