Bullying on TV ! Is it over acceptable? 'Big Brother 15' Controversial Houseguests

After Big Brother crowned Andy Herren the $500,000 victor of the 15th cycle, several houseguests found out the extent of the negative attention they received from their actions and insensitive remarks made inside the house. Is bullying ever acceptable? Are racial slurs ever appropriate?
  • Racial slurs, which are a particularly aggressive form of racial discrimination, can lead to anxiety, depression and increased stress. A minority who works in an environment where racial insults are a regular part of life will experience a damaging cumulative effect over time, which can lead to chronic stress.
    • According to one study, the stress resulting from racial slurs and other forms of discrimination builds up over time and can actually lead to heart disease. This Health Journal sponsored study focused on black women who listed racism as a stressor in their lives. The study showed that these women were more likely to develop plaque in the carotid arteries, an early sign of heart disease. Connecting racism and stress is significant since in general, people of color have a greater incidence of dying from heart disease, hypertension or stroke than any other racial group, regardless of income.Racial discrimination is still major public concern in the United States. Since the abolishment of slavery and end of American civil war, there have been many struggle aimed at ending racial discrimination in the country but the issues keeps on surfacing in the public limelight now and then. Racial discrimination pertains to segregation of individuals based on the color of their skin.
    • Rush Limbaugh attacks veterans calling them "phony soldiers" if they don't support the Bush war. Limbaugh's self-righteous slurs demonizing Democrats and dissidents are weakening conservative political power.  
    • Recently, there were incidents when Indian students were brutally assaulted and attacked in Australia, hinting at racial hatred.
    • It is important to teach our children racial awareness from a young age. By exposing them to different nations and cultures in a fun and unique way, you can ensure that the racism lesson will truly get across to them and will not soon be forgotten.The Road to Racial Equality
