Why I may be different than you...

First of all, I would like to say that we can't really confirm anything, and this is another idea, a possible step forward for those who will listen. I encourage you to point out mistakes, and reasons I may be wrong.
Some people live in two different worlds. Some people who are different don’t understand how to communicate very well with you and the outside world, which could be called the real world. Some people have a world inside their head too, which is more peaceful and easier to understand than the real world.
So if you see someone and he/she seems to be in their own little world and the parents or friends are letting him/her do that, they’re not ignoring that person. Maybe they’re just letting him/her be in a world he/she likes.

People who are different are never different in the same way. Every one of those people has some gift, like understanding animals or running very fast, or some talent, like drawing or music or math or creating songs or poems or stories, or some skill, like putting puzzles or models together, or something about the way they talk or look or move or understand things that makes them special.

When you look at a wave on the beach, a smooth clear picture of a wave goes into your head. But a person whose brain is different or whose pathways may have some bad areas might see a picture of a wave broken up into pieces or different colors or strange shapes. So maybe that person isn’t even seeing the same thing you do.

People who are different may not understand how to talk to other people, or how to act the right way at all the right times, or how to understand feelings, or how to sort out all the sights and sounds and smells in the world, but they are still special because there is just one of them, like there is just one of you.

Thank you for reading, please comment your feelings below.