Healthy Habits for Kids

"Good health is fostered by nutritious meals, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Healthy habits help one live a robust and vibrant life. When you complement these activities with prayer, you too, will be uplifted to an experience of wholeness in mind, body, and spirit."
Getting kids to eat vegetables is up there with getting them to keep their room tidy, go to bed on time and accept the word "no" in the store. Well, getting a child to eat vegetables doesn't have to be a struggle, battle of wills or stressful - I'm going to share with you, a few tools that take stress out of the picture, and replace resistance with enthusiasm. No more threats, bribing or trying to con them into eating vegetables, the tips here are aimed at getting your kids to eat vegetables voluntarily!
Fruits and vegetables may not top the list for kids' favorite foods, but good reasons exist to include more of these foods in your child's diet. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber. The health benefits of these super foods can affect your child's health now and into adulthood.

The secret to getting kids to eat vegetables 
The secret to getting kids to do anything is inspiration and excitement, rather than authority. Naturally, much higher success is achieved when a child is excited about doing something, than when they're threatened, cajoled or bribed. The tricky bit is finding a way of getting them genuinely excited about something they are currently resisting. 
The first (and most important) step is to stop trying to persuade the child to eat vegetables, and instead, enjoy the veggies yourself. The most powerful influence over children is what they observe in the significant adults in their lives. No amount of persuasion can equal what they witness. And the best bit about this is, subconscious. The influence your actions, reactions, behavior and general being have on your child is completely involuntary - which means your child copies you unconsciously, and automatically. This gives you immense power. All you have to do is make sure you're using this power on purpose and not by default. Example, Involve the child in buying and preparing the vegetables. Children have an almost irresistible urge to use, eat or drink anything they have enjoyed making themselves. It's hardwired into them. As long as the process is fun and enjoyable and creative, they'll find it really difficult not to eat the veggies they've prepared  and make this process fun and creative without taking up too much time or making too much mess - for busy parents. Lastly, let them grow their own vegetables! This is a very powerful thing. There's only one thing better than buying and preparing your own vegetables, for children... and that's growing them, picking them and then preparing them. No child can resist eating something they've grown!  Remember- your child can grow vegetables in pots, so even if you don't have a garden, your child can still produce his own veg.

Extra Tip:
A child doesn't need to eat every vegetable, as long as he/she gets a range of fruit and veg. If he/she hates broccoli, that's okay - their body won't suffer from not eating broccoli. Rather than try and force it, let them eat a different veg or fruit which contains similar nutrition.