"i Am ESTEEM" Day -Saturday August 10, 2013. Starts @11am

Have you told your friends about "i Am Esteem" Day?    

Beauty Within Teen Esteem /"i Am Esteem" Day.org counts on the grassroots support of people like you. Every time you tell friends or family about the campaign, you’re spreading the word about the power of self esteem.
Here are three reasons to tell someone you know about "i Am Esteem" Day right now:

  1. Bullying Prevention Activities such as all-school assemblies, communications campaigns or creative arts contests highlighting school values to bring the community together and reinforce the message that bullying is wrong. Being informed is one of the most effective, affordable ways to create a safer world.

  2. Approximately 32 percent of students report being bullied at school. Bullied students are more likely to take a weapon to school, get involved in physical fights, and suffer from anxiety and depression, health problems, and mental health problems. They suffer academically (especially high-achieving black and Latino students). And research suggests that schools where students report a more severe bullying climate score worse on standardized assessments than schools with a better climate. Saving lives can be simple. By helping us build this grassroots movement, you can help prevent these needless childhood acts  around the world.

  3. We simply need you. To spread awareness about the power of self esteem, we need you to use your voice. Every child deserves a shot at a long and healthy life no matter where they live. By telling someone about 'i Am Esteem" Day.org today, you can help make that statement a reality.

It takes only a minute. Share iAmEsteemDay.org with your friends.http://iamesteem.eventbrite.com/#

